King #1000 Deluxe Knife Sharpening Stone
• Material: Synthetic stone
• Grit: 1000
• Dimensions:
Large (90376): 207 x 66 x 34mm (8.25" x 2.5" x 1.4" ht)
Extra Large (91519): 209 x 70 x 60mm (8.25" x 2.75" x 2.4" ht)
• Type: Soaking
If you want to buy just one stone, getting a medium grit is a smart choice. Soak this whetstone in water until bubbles stop surfacing. The #1000 is perfect for every day sharpening.This whetstone has been baked and is porous so should be soaked in water until the bubbles stop surfacing. King is one of the top choices for sharpening stones among chefs in Japan.