Nano Hone Adhesive Tape Replacement for Metal Backing Plate
Material: VHB acryl
Dimensions: 8.27" x 2.95" (75 x 210mm)
This is a sheet of VHB acrylic tape used to adhere a whetstone to the Nano Hone backing plate. These sheets are double-thick and sold as a replacement so that the backing plates may be re-used after a stone has been worn through. These replacement sheets are suitable for natural stones with more uneven bottoms, as some of the adhesive will get into small nooks in the stone. In order to clean off a backing plate after a stone is worn through, lap through the last little bits of the stone still left and then soak the plate in acetone to begin dissolving the adhesive.
Nano Hone was founded by Harrelson Stanley, the founder of Shapton USA. With 40 years of experience flattening whetstones, they are redefining modern sharpening and lapping, and introducing innovations in diamond technology to existing tools and methods.