Yakitori: Techniques & Variations of 11 Yakitori Joints
Even if you can't read Japanese, the illustrations in this book are both educational and enjoyable for anybody who is interested in learning more about yakitori (traditionally different parts of chicken on skewers). This book explores the history of yakitori, chicken breeds, types of charcoal (namely binchotan), butchering of chicken and different variations of yakitori from traditional to modern yakitori joints in Japan. The photographs of over 200 different types of skewers demonstrate the techniques and skills of these experienced chefs. A must-have book for anybody trying to master yakitori.
Paperback: 209 pages
Publisher:µƒ??ö?µ¢???ù Shibata Shoten (2008/08)
Language: Japanese, µùѵ£¼?¬?
Product Dimensions: 10" x 8 1/4" x 3/4"